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Mclusky* / Worry / Self Help at The Bullingdon, Oxford


About this Event

mclusky were a band between 1999 and 2005, in which time they made a few friends and three albums. slow-forward 14 years and, thanks to the uncanny pull of nostalgia and gravity, they have made more friends but no more albums.

originally persuaded to reform – like ham – to help save a local music venue and for other vaguely charitable reasons, mclusky* is the band but with Damien Sayell of The St. Pierre Snake Invasion (who incidentally have an album out this year) playing bass and singing and is loads better (technical term) than it used to be, nostalgia be twatted.

there is one quiet song, at the start, then the rest is just soup.

Support comes from Worry, local hardcore band who have been tearing Oxford up with their monster riffs for a couple of years now. Last year's Confidence EP is absolutely killer, and their last couple of shows have some incredible new songs in - so there must be a new one right around the corner. Listen/buy their stuff here: https://worry.bandcamp.com/album/confidence

And opening up is Self Help - a scrappy garage punk band who released a couple of wicked EPs last year, Organic Noise Kitchen and Birthdayboy. There are some banging singles across these two records, and I don't know if I like Trope best, or Get On With It, or 1,000,000 MPH, or The Razz, or what. But I do know they absolutely bring it live, and can't wait for it all to kick off. Here's their Organic Noise Kitchen EP: https://youneedselfhelp.bandcamp.com/album/organic-noise-kitchen

The event is all ages, with under 14s accompanied by an adult. On accessibility, The Bullingdon is a ground floor venue with a single step up at the main entrance, and the venue have a portable ramp to help people get in. There's a dedicated disabled toilet, and the venue can offer a dedicated viewing area. There is good local parking less than 50m from the venue and a good local bus service.

If you want to come and need more info get in touch with the venue at: [email protected]

And finally, ours are inclusive shows, and we want people to feel safe. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, bigotry and general dickery of any kind will not be tolerated. If you feel like you can't handle that, feel free not to come. And if you experience any of these, speak to your nearest Scene Freak (we'll probably be hanging about the merch stand/door) or to venue staff.*

*Side note: my phone tried to autocorrect 'arachnophobia' in there, so to be clear - arachnophobia will be tolerated, but spiders will not.

The Bullingdon Oxford, 162 Cowley Road 162 Cowley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1UE