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London Bowie Fan Event - 2016


About this Event

This will be our 4th London Bowie fan event. It is strictly a not for profit event and this year all proceeds are going to Cancer Research UK in loving memory of David Bowie. http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/

Last year we raised £6,600 for Terrence Higgins Trust, through ticket sales, auction and raffle.

Tickets are same price as last year £25, which includes wristband raffle.

As usual, no hard copy ticket is issued. Your name will go directly onto the guest list and a confirmation email will be sent to you. Upon arrival at the event you will receive a numbered wristband which gives automatic entry into the wristband raffle to have a chance to win a signed item from David Bowie. There will also be a great collection of Bowie related items (some signed) for auction and raffle on the night.

There is an elevator for people with difficulty using stairs. No food is available at the venue, but there are plenty of eating places close by.

There will be a great lineup of live music acts plus the auction and raffle. Plus an array of Bowie themed cocktails!

Door times to be confirmed soon and details of the line up to follow.

If you have any queries then please email me on [email protected]

Club Surya, 156 Pentonville Road 156 Pentonville Road, Kings Cross, Greater London N1 9JL