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Ben Caplan & The Casual Smokers w/ Boss Caine


About this Event

A charismatic charmer and smasher of pianos. A madman and earnest poet. A strummer of delicate chords and lover of bent and broken melodies. BEN CAPLAN is not any one thing.

As he releases his second album, with a following already in more than a dozen countries, it’s no surprise Caplan is simply unforgettable.

Visually striking with huge beard and unruly mane, and aurally compelling with rough and textured tones cutting through crowded halls. An enormous voice, roaring louder than raucous crowds. The microphone is almost superfluous.

But looks are deceiving; once he has your attention Caplan croons silkier than a single malt.

Inspired in part by Eastern European and Jewish folk, Ben mixes older musical roots with his own soul, straight from a hairy heart. Lyrically, you’ve not heard the like before. Often edgy and dark, holding up a mirror to show us our nasty bits and the ugliness – and that darkness is the root of the sublime.

His new album, Birds With Broken Wings, bursts with ancient and modern sound as more than thirty musicians (and even more instruments) combine acoustic tones from around the world. And it’s all blended by the hottest international production team around. Uncharted territory… and Caplan’s leading the way.

Fibbers: Live Music Venue, Stonebow House, The Stonebow Stonebow House, The Stonebow, York, North Yorkshire YO1 7NP
