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Fluid Oxford - Nightmare on Cellar St.


About this Event

Fluid Oxford - Halloween Party

Grime / Garage / Bassline / DNB

Sat 29th October | 23:00-03:00

The Cellar [Oxford]

I know what you did last Fluid! If you're not in fancy dress then what the f**k are you doing!? We're giving away 2 free tickets to Fluid's Christmas Party as well as a bottle of booze for the most outrageous Halloween costume. Don't disappoint!


Gasmask''Formation (Nasty FM)

Sound Affect (IC3 Genres)

Support from Fluid residents Masp, VLVT, Wissla & Effi Brooks


£4/5 advance.

£6 before midnight.

£8 after.





The Cellar Bar

Frewin Court

Oxford, OX1 3HZ

Over 18s Only. Please bring ID.

[email protected]

Full listings, tickets and merchandise at ukfluid.com

The Cellar Oxford, Frewin Court Frewin Court, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 3HZ