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Pulled Apart By Horses / O2 Academy2 / Oxford


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Future Perfect presents

Pulled Apart By Horses

O2 Academy2 - Oxford

Monday 27th March

14+ / 7pm / £12adv

Bursting onto the scene in 2008 with the audacious I Punched A Lion In The Throat, Leeds' Pulled Apart By Horses established themselves as wild stallions in their burgeoning local scene.

Releasing their formidable self-titled debut two years later via Transgressive Records, the quartet hit the road winning over fans by the stable load with their hacksaw riffs, nihilistic attitude, and a live show that left venues decimated.

Returning with a new album that's rumoured to be called Papa Lulu's Home Juice Bar (although this does feel like an immense trolling effort from the band that would fit perfectly with their warped sense of humour) we couldn't be happier to have the Horses boys back ravaging the UK's roads.

On sale Friday 11th Nov @ 9am: http://bit.ly/PABHOxford

O2 Academy Oxford, 190 Cowley Road 190 Cowley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1UE
