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Muncie Girls / Cassels / Kancho! / The Cellar


About this Event

Future Perfect presents

Muncie Girls

Plus Cassels & Kancho

The Cellar - Oxford

Wednesday 15th February

16+ / 7.30pm / £8adv

Muncie Girls are Lande, Dean and Luke. Born from a love of punk shows and dive bars in 2012, the Exeter trio embody the classic punk rock story in a modern context. Fueled by discontent and anxiety, they eloquently address issues of modern living as a self-aware young adult. The result is an ambitious and poignant rebellion against social norms that touches on everything from politics to interpersonal relationships. A dynamic and emotional exploration of punk and indie rock.

Support comes from two of Oxfords finest in Cassels and Kancho who will be playing their last show for a while as Michael is moving to Stockholm. Not to be missed!

On sale now: http://bit.ly/MuncieGirlsOxford

The Cellar Oxford, Frewin Court Frewin Court, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 3HZ
