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POP Foam Party at Lola Lo Reading - Thursday 19th October


About this Event

POP Foam Party this Thursdays - @ Lola Lo Reading 19/10/17

POP! Your brand new student cheese night, open every Thursday night at Lola Lo. Release your inner pop star & join us on Reading’s biggest dancefloor for a night of cheese, chart & throwback tunes!

Drinks Offers

Single Spirit Mixer - £2.50

Double Spirit Mixer - £3.50

J-Bomb (With Loyalty Card) - £1.50

VK - £2

Bottled Beer - £2

Selected Shots £.150


£5 Guestlist Before 11PM

£5 Advanced Ticket from a POP Rep

£6 Other

Contact Entourage Project or email [email protected]

Planning a night out? Get in contact with the POP! team

Twitter: @POPReading

Facebook ‘Pop Reading’

Email: [email protected]

Lola Lo Reading, 126-127 Friar Street 126-127 Friar Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 1EP