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Simple 20th Birthday with Midland


About this Event

Through his productions, DJ sets and record labels, Midland's output comes across as unassuming and surprising in equal measure, at once subtle, refined and totally raucous. Midland's production style has nimbly evolved from one record to the next. His strippedback, garage flavoured house collaboration with Ramadanman (Pearson Sound) on Aus Music in 2010 was followed by ‘Bring Joy’ on More Music, before…

Read more at https://www.simpleproductions.co.uk/artists/midland/

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Supported by

em williams



James Weston




Tickets from £11 - £15 in advance. More on the door.

Buy now: https://www.residentadvisor.net/events/1253868

For exclusive access to early-bird tickets before general release, sign up to our mailing list https://www.simpleproductions.co.uk/mailing-list

IMPORTANT entry conditions:

The venue operates an anti-tout ID matching policy to ensure music-lovers pay no more than the face value of a ticket. The name on your ticket must match your ID. You may sell/buy purchased tickets, but it must be done through the original ticket agent’s resale system to securely transfer tickets into the new buyer’s name at face value.

For sold-out events many music-lovers are left wanting tickets, often braving the elements outside in a queue. The venue will only guarantee entry for ticket holders until MIDNIGHT, after then it will sell up to capacity, operating on a one-out-one-in basis. For group purchases, everyone in your group must arrive at the same time.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact [email protected]


Also coming up:

Sat 9 Nov - Dr. Rubinstein » Simple

Sat 30 Nov - Ross From Friends (live) » Simple


Bookmark: https://www.simpleproductions.co.uk/

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Love, Simple x

The Bullingdon Oxford, 162 Cowley Road 162 Cowley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1UE