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Licklist Guide to Nightclubs in Brighton

Brighton is far from your average sleepy seaside town, with nightlife comparable to that of larger cosmopolitan cities, minus the sweaty crowds and awkward commute home. Clubs in Brighton draw in as thriving a crowd by night as the beach does by day, with venues to suit whatever it is you’re celebrating, even if it’s just Saturday night! So, if you’re in need of a big night out, look no further than Bournemouth, and if you’re not sure when to start then look no further than Licklist’s ultimate guide to clubs in Bournemouth.

Photo Galleries of Nightclubs in Brighton

Nightclubs in Brighton

Zone Bar

Brighton, East sussex
A fun and friendly bar situated in the heart of the gay village. Top cabaret and live music every weekend, fabulous drinks and available for events. Read more

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